Udyog Plus is a part of Aditya Birla Finance Limited

ABC Solutions

National Pension System

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I hereby authorise Aditya Birla Finance Limited ("Lender/ABFL") to collect and share my data and documents for the purpose of processing of my loan application and to conduct credit card, references, make enquiries at its sole discreation. I further authorise ABFL and its agents to share and obtain information, records from any Credit Rating Agencies, Databanks, Goverment/Statutory/Regulatory Authories, bank, financial institutions, ecosystem partners or any third party to verify my credit my credit worthiness in connection with this loan or in case ABFL requires to conduct additional/further checks to assess my eligibility for sanction of further limits in facility in the future and ongoing review.

National Pension System

  • Tax benefits to employee and employer
  • Seamless portability across jobs and geographies
  • Flexibility to choose Investment options
  • Helps employees build a larger retirement corpus
  • 100% digital process for account opening and contribution